How Are Car Dents Repaired
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Getting a dent on your car can be pretty unfortunate. Unfortunately, dents don’t just affect your vehicle’s appearance. They can also cause a lot of long-term damage underneath the surface. That’s why you’ll want to get the dent repaired as soon as possible.
Car dents are repaired using a combination of different methods, depending on the size and severity of each dent. Generally, the methods involve applying pressure to the dented sections to restore the panel’s original shape. A professional will skillfully combine stud welding, dent pulling, pliers, and even a hammer to repair the dent.
Keep reading through this guide to understand more about dent repairs. You’ll learn about the damage unrepaired dents can cause, the methods professionals use to repair them, and the costs involved.
Why Should You Repair Car Dents?
Car owners respond to dents very differently. Some will want to urgently fix even the tiniest dents they find on their vehicle’s body, while others aren’t too worried about it. Regardless of how you feel about car dents, resolving them as soon as possible is always better before they lead to more significant problems. That’s right! Leaving a dented panel on your car and delaying the repairs can cost you more money in the future. Here’s why you shouldn’t leave dents on your car unresolved for too long:
Photo from Philkotse
1. Rust
If you study at a top automotive college, you’ll know that dent damage isn’t just superficial, i.e. on the surface. Instead, the deformed panel can create openings for moisture to seep underneath the paint. Despite any coating or protection your car might have, some moisture will eventually penetrate deep enough to reach an unprotected metal layer. As you already know, moisture and metal equal rust.
2. Paint Damage
Dents will also cause long-term damage to your vehicle’s paint, like tiny scratches and cracks. That damage will undermine the paint’s weatherproof qualities, causing them to become worse with exposure to the sun and rain. Fixing the dent and paint job quickly will prevent that from happening.
3. Resale Value
Photo from Open Road Auto Group
As a car owner, you can ignore the dents on your car. Unfortunately, the people you’d want to sell the vehicle to are also free to disagree. When you have unresolved dents in your car, fetching a high resale value is impossible. Instead, buyers will want a lower price, knowing they’ll have to fix the dents themselves later.
4. Cost Savings
Fixing dents immediately without delays saves you money in the long run. As you read above, quick dent repairs prevent rusting and paint damage while maximising the price you can get when selling the vehicle.
5. Safety Reasons
Lastly, resolving dents quickly ensures your car is as safe as possible. That’s because the impact that caused those dents could cause unseen structural damage underneath the surface. Part of the dent repair process involves identifying any such damage early on so you don’t have to worry about it later.
How Are Car Dents Repaired?
Photo from Freepik
The dent repair process involves a few common steps, no matter where you go. However, repair technicians also have several options, depending on how bad the dent is. No matter where you go for those repairs, the process generally begins with cleaning and an inspection. First, cleaning the dented panel is necessary to see all the damage clearly. Then, the technician can inspect the dent to decide if it should be repaired or if the panel should be replaced altogether. Suppose the technician finds that a repair is possible. In that case, they’ll proceed to restore the affected panel using one or more of these approaches:
Stud welders: As the name suggests, this approach involves welding metal studs to the car’s dents. Then, the technician can pull those studs to restore the panel’s original shape. When complete, they’ll remove the studs.
Dent pullers: Pullers are another tool that attaches to the dent and pull it outwards to restore the panel’s original shape. Unlike the studs mentioned earlier, there is no welding involved. Instead, the pullers typically use suction to stick to the panel and pull the dent out.
Pliers: Repair technicians can also use specialised pliers to apply pressure to small dented sections and reshape them.
Hammer and dolly: The hammer and dolly are used to beat a dented car panel back into its original shape. Technicians will hold the dolly on one side of the dented panel and apply the hammer on the other side. Together, that’s how they reshape the panel.
Once the panel’s original shape is restored, repair technicians will sand and paint it to match the rest of the vehicle.
How Much Does It Cost To Repair Car Dents?
Photo by Roman
Unfortunately, providing an exact price for car dent repairs is impossible. Each dent is unique, so the repair technician must first perform an inspection before they can give you a quotation. However, what you need to know is that the cost to repair your car’s dents will be affected by factors like:
The size of the dent
The repair methods necessary to restore the affected panel
Any painting and drying-related costs
In some cases, car dent repairs are expensive. Still, this is one kind of repair that you don’t want to skimp out on this kind of repair. Instead, take your car to a reputable dent repair technician who can get the job done right the first time and provide you with plenty of value for money.
Can You Repair A Car Dent Yourself?
You don’t have to go to an award-winning automotive college to fix minor dents on your car. Instead, you can do so by purchasing a DIY dent repair kit. These are available online and at your favourite automotive supplier. However, remember that a DIY repair won’t look as good as an experienced professional's. Despite that, an affordable DIY dent repair kit could be just what you need.
Final Thoughts
Most people will be disappointed or stressed when they get a dent in their car. But, despite how damaging it can be, there’s no reason to panic. Firstly, remember to get the dent repaired as soon as possible to avoid problems like rust, paint damage, and more. An experienced dent repair professional can use several methods to restore the affected panel, like pliers, hammers, dollies, and more. Alternatively, you can repair the dent yourself using a DIY dent repair kit. To learn more about automotive topics like these, check out the official website of TOC Automotive College, Malaysia’s Best Automotive College. You’ll find plenty of helpful articles there to make you a more responsible and capable car owner.