4 Key Service Trends To Build A Lasting Customer Service Experience


All businesses today are dealing with the changing expectations of customer service. With the rise of technology, trendy customers are now looking for a new style of customer experience and customer service. As a business, it is vital to spot these trends and to change according to the times.

Image from: Leaderonomics

Image from: Leaderonomics

In the automotive industry, the key role of an automotive service advisor is to ensure that every customer’s need for their vehicles are met with a smile. For the longest time, the old-school of thought among the automotive industry is that they are slow to adapt to a digital age, non-transparent, and the condescending manner in how the past service advisors interacts with the customers.

But in this day and age, it’s time to change and buck that trend. We take a look at what customers today are looking for in the customer experience and customer service, and how the industry can adapt to it.

Image from: Salesforce

Image from: Salesforce

Here are the 4 key service trends to build a lasting customer service relationship:

#1 P2P (Peer to Peer) customer service

Customers nowadays want to feel like they’re talking to a real person, rather than a cold, soulless corporate machine. The P2P customer service model is where the customer feels like they are being served are equals, rather than in a condescending manner. This will no doubt help to build up a rapport with your customers and keep them coming back.

#2 Embrace the digital

Image from: Techzim

Image from: Techzim

In the modern, technological now, customers are more tech-savvy, with apps and other programs able to create a streamlined and hassle-free experience. With so many different companies now embracing the digital side, you will want your customers’ digital experience to be on par with what they’ve experienced online. However, you must make sure that what you have offer online and offline, and the channels which you interact with your customers should be streamlined and integrated to create the best customer service experience.

#3 Authenticity

Customers today are more well-versed in spotting someone “fake”, so you should try your best to be as genuine and authentic as possible. Try your best to really understand the complaints that your customers are making, and try to take the time to understand exactly what the customer is experiencing. This will not only let your customers have faith in you, they’ll probably be returning to you for more as well.

#4 Transparency

Customers are looking for businesses to be open and forthright in explanations, pricing and quality materials, among others. For example, as a service advisor, you must be able to explain the manufacturer’s requirements and recommend a suitable service for the customer. A competent service advisor must advise all possible options and then let the customer decide, rather than to make a decision based on profit or having the most gain for yourself.

Now that you know what it takes to make a successful automotive customer service provider, it’s time for you to take a drive into the world of automotive customer service! TOC Automotive College’s Automotive Customer Service course is designed for you to learn and master the art of customer service, as well as to understand the overall technical side which includes; car maintenance, car repair, and car diagnosis.

With both the customer service skills and the automotive technical ability, you’ll be the talk of your dealership! Find out more about this course here: https://www.toc.edu.my/programmes/automotive-customer-service

Joel Wong