3 Things Which Make Great Customer Service Advisors


Service advisors, service writers, ASMs, service consultants; all these are the names given to the automotive service advisor; the person who is supposed to be “serving the customer” in automotive centers’ service departments. But despite their various titles and names, what exactly is it that an automotive service advisor does?

A service advisor typically works in a car dealership and is the liaison between the customer and service technicians. They work with customers to determine problems with a vehicle and provide technicians with accurate repair descriptions. Additionally, service advisors are responsible for greeting customers, listening to requests, scheduling appointments, and estimating costs.

Ultimately, the “mission” of an automotive service advisor is to ensure that every customer is driving a safe and reliable vehicle. But then comes the next question, how do we ensure that service advisors follow and keep up with the “mission”? Well, we’ve come up with these 3 simple ways:

#1 Build Customer Relationships (Friendliness)

The first and foremost of a service advisor is to build up a good rapport with the customers. Meeting and greeting a customer as soon as they enter with a well-versed and inviting phrase can go a long way. Try to avoid the typical “Can I help you?” or “Do you have an appointment?” or “Need something?” or “What can I do for you?”, but instead go for something more friendly and approachable, like “Good morning, my name is Abu. How may I assist you today?” Your customers are more likely to respond to you and open up about their servicing needs.

#2 Know What You’re Talking About (Reliability)

Image from: Honk

Image from: Honk

Service advisors must have strong customer service, interpersonal, and communications skills. They need to be comfortable making decisions and solving problems based on their understanding of automotive technology. As such, service advisors must be able to explain the manufacturer’s requirements and recommend a suitable service for the customer. A competent service advisor must advise all possible options and then let the customer decide, rather than wait for a mechanical failure and then spend more money for the repair.

#3 Thoroughly Understand Your Customers (Understanding)

Image from: Cati

Image from: Cati

Thoroughly understand the complaints that your customers are making. Take the time to touch, feel and understand exactly what the customer is experiencing. Translate this information to your technician to expedite the repair. Listen to your customers. Suggest lists of accessories which will enhance the customer’s experience, rather than just to create sales. Point out damage and sell the repair of the damage. By letting the customer know you know the damage exists will give you an opportunity to sell the repair of the damage.

But remember, the mission isn’t to sell a customer something they don’t need, don’t want or can’t afford. A good service advisor is supposed to advise the customer on what is needed in order to drive away in a safe and reliable vehicle.

Want to start your own foray into the world of automotive customer service? TOC Automotive College’s got you covered! The Automotive Customer Service course is designed for you to learn and master the art of customer service, as well as to understand the overall technical side which includes; car maintenance, car repair, and car diagnosis.

With both the customer service skills and the automotive technical ability, you’ll be the talk of your dealership! Find out more about this course here: https://www.toc.edu.my/programmes/automotive-customer-service