TOC Alumni Interview: Clio Clarissa Tjonadi What is she up to now?

Interview by Peter Burns – Asia Motorsport Development

The automotive scene is definitely changing and women are now more open to pursue their dreams in a man-dominating world. The younger generations are proving that they can be whoever and whatever they want to be if they believe in themselves. This time around, we managed to catch up with TOC alumni, Clio Clarissa Tjonadi from Indonesia. She was one of the few female students who graduated from TOC Automotive College.

She took her Diploma in Motorsport Technology and graduated in year 2016. She started her love in Motorsports ever since she was 18 years old and participated in GoKart competitions. She was also the winner of the Honda Jazz Speed Challenge ISOM in year 2013. Her inspiration and idol is her dad, who is also a professional in the motorsports scene.

What are you currently up to now?
I am currently studying again in the University Of Huddersfield, UK and I have just passed my 2nd year with First Class Honours in Automotive and Motorsport Engineering. I am still pursuing my automotive dreams to become better and learning never stops for me. I am also currently performing my internship placement for a year in a Diesel Engine Manufacturer called Cummins. It is also a proud moment for me as I have been offered an Engineering placement there.

How has studying in TOC changed your life?
Studying in TOC Automotive College has definitely widen my knowledge and skills in automotive studies. The college also helped me open up new and challenging possibilities in finding future jobs. My current employer was impressed with my SIT (Supervised Industrial Training) whilst studying in TOC and this helped my Curriculum Vitae stands out from the rest.

What are your thoughts on the automotive industry?
From what I have observed, the automotive industry seems promising as it opens a lot of job openings and opportunities here in the UK. Many of the automotive companies are also offering a very good pay and incentives towards the employees.

What are your current hobbies?
I am a wanderlust and I love travelling! I also like walking my dogs and eating desserts because there is always room for desserts!

What is your current favourite car?
It has got to be the supercar, Ferrari LaFerrari!

Any advice to students who wants to pursue automotive education?
I’d say go for it if you really have a passion in the automotive scene! Always put your full effort in your studies and the will to learn new things every day. Never take your education for granted because education is the platform to build your career foundation. Without education, it is difficult to go far in seeking new career opportunities.