TOC Alumni | Jason Rethual

Interview by Peter Burns – Asia Motorsport Development

What are you currently up to now?
I am currently working in Cycle & Carriage Bintang as a Customer Service Consultant. My job requires me to have a decent amount of automotive knowledge and to translate that to customers. I am constantly pushing myself to hit fixed targets given by the company and giving up is not in my dictionary.

How has TOC changed your life?
Without having to pursue my passion in the automotive education with TOC, I would not be here right now. Having an education base with TOC has definitely made it easier for me to land a job in this well-known company. However, I also did my very best during the Supervised Industrial Training (SIT) which eventually, made the management took notice of my skills.

Thoughts on the automotive industry after graduating & working
From my point of view, I would say that the automotive industry is actually the largest growing industry as technology in vehicles are constantly evolving and improving. I also hope that, people who are interested in the automotive industry should follow their passion and be someone significant in this field. This industry definitely needs more passionate individuals!

Current hobbies
I love to watch and read car reviews! Aside from that, I love modifying my car, playing badminton and computer games, walking my dogs and going for long drives.

Advice for students who wants to pursue automotive education
I would say go for it! It will definitely help you understand vehicles in a more detailed manner. Also, never slack while studying and you will not regret while you see the results and achievements of your hard work.

Favourite cars and Why?
It would be the Pagani Zonda R because of the engine note it produces, as well as the koenigsegg because of the technology implemented in their drivetrain.