5 Tips to Staying Safe on the Road for Women!

Photo source: http://i.dailymail.co.uk

Let’s face it, women are more vulnerable when it comes to road bullies and robberies. However, in this day and age, women are more independent and it is a necessity to travel and work. Many women travel alone in their cars be it night or day. This however, can be very dangerous and the thought of driving alone especially at night can be frightening. With many occurring cases of car incidents, here are some ways to protect yourselves and stay away from danger.

Vehicle maintenance

Keep your car well-maintained, and by all means, do not skip any car service appointments. A well-maintained car is less likely to break down and this, could save you from being alone in the middle of the road. That being said, always check your fuel tank and making sure your car never goes out of fuel. On a side note, do also remember to check your tyre condition regularly. These steps could save you from strangers getting near your vehicle when they are aware of YOU being the only person in the car.

Know where you are heading to!

Always plan your trip in advance. However, if you are unfamiliar with the routes, you should always plan it out first. There’s always GPS to save you! Your phone is your best friend in this scenario, so, invest in a car charger so your phone doesn’t run out of battery. Keep emergency contact numbers in any case of emergency break downs.

Parking & Keys

Do not park anywhere just because you are late for a function! Safety always comes first. Yes, your friends or associates might rush you, but that does not mean you should park at a dodgy-looking area. Be it night or day, it is best to park somewhere bright or places where a decent amount of cars are parked. Women! Our handbags are always cluttered with things, however, it is best to place your car keys or house keys for that matter, in a special compartment or somewhere easy to find. You do not want to panicked in the middle of the night, fumbling around and looking for your car keys. That, could attract danger especially when predators see you alone.

Be kind, but not always

There is a fine line between being kind and looking out for our own safety. Yes, it is great and good to be a kind being, but if you are alone and someone needs your help for something, think twice! Don’t become a victim and be smart. It is very easy these days to fall into their trap as the “bad guys” gets smarter each time.

Be alert

Be alert at all times, whether you are driving or getting out of the car. Never put your bags (any sort of bags) on the passenger seat or anywhere visible and lock all doors. Best is to keep it under your seat. Look around at all times because, really, you do not know who is tracking you. If you feel uneasy that a certain vehicle is following you, quickly change route. If the vehicle still follows you, drive towards the nearest police station. Always let someone know where you are heading to. This person can alert the police quickly in any case of emergency.