TOC Automotive College

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A test of quality

Image from: The Star Online

Trade tests are an important requirement for many professions, and they especially important when the profession involves the safety of others where mistakes could cost lives.

The Otomotif College (TOC) has taken the step of ensuring its graduates’ competence in the workplace by making automotive trade tests compulsory.

“The automotive trade tests we run here at TOC is an important component required by the industry for all potential workers.

“Nobody likes exams, its a lot like how nobody likes going for an injection at the hospital, but you still have to do it,” said TOC communication head Owen Leed.

Leed, a veteran in the motorsports world and Autosport Asia magazine editor-in-chief said that just like an injection, right after the exam is over, you notice that it was only a minor discomfort.

“Now that I am much older, I see the wisdom behind all the exams I had to go through. Honestly, I wish I could re-sit some of them,” said Leed.

TOC conducts the test to adhere to industry standards and to ensure that TOC graduates have what they need for their careers he added.

The trade test is carried out during the second year of studies right before the supervised industrial training (SIT) or internship, said Diploma in Automotive Technology (DAT) student Mohamed Abdullah Essach.

“It wasn’t really that hard, especially since we had been given ample time to study for it.

“It’s an open book test and even though the textbook is pretty thick, we had revision sessions and pep talks to prepare us,” said Kannah Paranjathi, a DAT student who sat for the trade test.

For Kannah it was his second attempt at completing the trade test, after failing it the first time.

“I didn’t really give it 100 percent the first time. This time around, I am confident I will pass,” said Kannah.

Students sitting for the trade tests received official letters from the college to inform them of it said, Keith Yap, another DAT student who sat for the test.

“They also made sure we knew that it was free and if we failed, we don’t have to pay to retake it. Only a second fail would require us to sit for refresher classes, which are also free of charge,” said Keith.

TOC founder and chief executive officer Adelaine Foo stressed that students should be thankful that the institution took their education seriously.

“We take pride in every certificate we issue, and it is not something that can just be bought. We want to ensure that every one of our graduates are well-prepared for the industry.”

The trade tests, which are moderated by the institution’s university partners, is run five times a year and requires students to achieve a grade of at least 80 percent to pass.

Although it may seem like a difficult mark to achieve, Foo said that it was important to set the high passing grade, because it is an industry where mistakes cannot be tolerated.

“A car needs four wheels to function. It cannot work if even one wheel is not properly intact. Basically, the vehicle needs to be 100 percent to work properly and safely.”

Unlike the regular examinations, Foo said that students need not pay for the trade test, and are allowed to retake the tests as many times as required.

“Just like our intakes, we run the trade tests five times a year, so students do not have to wait an entire year to re-sit the exams if required.”

She said that the tests included everything the students learned throughout the year, as everything they have learned was just as important.

“We need to ensure that everything they learned will be retained because they will need that knowledge when they go out to work. The syllabus is tweaked every quarter to ensure that we keep up with the industry, so students are very well-prepared by the time they graduate.”

Foo added, “A high standard comes with hard work. Students have already paid us for an education, so they have to take the responsibility of learning.”

Article Source: The Star Online