TOC Alumni | Mohamad Redza

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What are you currently up to now?

I am currently working for the Automobile Association of Singapore (based in Singapore) and my job scope requires me to do repair works on cars. On certain days, I will also handle the operations side and give technical advice when necessary.

How has TOC changed your life?

Before I entered college, I have no knowledge whatsoever when it comes to automotive. However, I have an interest and passion for cars. TOC has a wide range of facilities and experienced lecturers. The lecturers would guide us through in a very detailed manner. From there, everything changed from zero to HERO! I am also pleased that TOC gave me the opportunity to work abroad and that really changed my life because that is where my career started.

Thoughts on the Automotive Industry

For a car enthusiast, automotive is NOT just a car industry. It involves passion, skills, blood, sweat and tears. It is a never-ending process and we need to keep up with the pace and grow with it.

Current Hobbies

I normally like to visit car showrooms and test-drive all types of cars. This will enable me to keep myself updated on the latest technology and specifications for new cars.

Advice for students who wants to pursue an education in Automotive

If you are a car lover, then automotive education is the right path for you. However, if you are a non-car enthusiast but wants to study automotive, it will help you improve and understand the automotive field further. Passion can grow over time. The more you understand a certain subject, the more you want to learn about it.

Fav cars and why?

I generally like German cars, but one brand that I really love would be BMW. They are the leader in the automotive industry especially when it comes to user interface and technology. For that, I really admire the brand.