How To Keep Your Automatic Transmission In Great Shape
Most, if not all of us now drive with an auto car. It’s much more convenient here in Malaysia, especially when you’re stuck in traffic, and the fact that your car won’t die in the middle of the road every time you stop is also a plus point.
However, just because it’s convenient and doesn’t seem to require much maintenance, it doesn’t mean that your gearbox doesn’t require any care or attention. In fact, the automatic transmission is one of the most complicated parts of your car. The repair of an automatic transmission is complex, and this means it tends to be quite expensive as well.
Image from: Car from Japan
One of the main reasons automatic transmissions are damaged is often due to overheating. At high temperatures, the gearbox loses its lubricating qualities and becomes more oxidized, leaving deposits all over the transmission. When further heated, the rubber seals and gaskets inside the transmission hardens, which will cause leaks, while the metal parts will often warp and lose their strength. All this will cause transmission failure. In Malaysia, where the extreme weather can cause these problems, it’s not recommended that you often rev your car because this will generate more heat, causing your gearbox to spoil faster.
Here are a few things for you to know in order to keep your automatic transmission gearbox in fantastic shape.
1. Take note of all leakages
A leaky car is a dangerous car. Check for leakages under your car at all times, because the last thing you need is for you to find that your transmission fluid is leaking. Even if it’s not transmission fluid, you should always bring your car in for a thorough check should you find any sort of leakage. Ultimately, the cleaner the transmission, the smoother your car will operate.
2. Use your overdrive often
Image from: Car From Japan
Yes, we know that the overdrive option in your car is often used to rev up your car and, frankly, it seems cool when we’re on the road. But when it comes to automatic transmission, you should try to use the overdrive more often. Basically, the overdrive is the highest gear available for your car. The reason why you should use overdrive is because it helps to lower the engine RPM at high speeds, reducing wear and tear on the transmission. This also helps with better fuel economy.
3. Shift properly
Image from: Car from Japan
Shifting gears is something that you will need to learn as well. There are many people who often shift gears before the car has stopped moving, and the key is being disciplined in how you shift gears. It’s good for the maintenance of your automatic transmission. The right way to shift gears with an automatic transmission is that you should never shift to the ‘Reverse’ or ‘Park’ until the car comes to a complete stop. Also, always ensure that you fully depress the brake pedal when shifting from ‘Park’ to another gear.
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Image from: Car from Japan
The simplest solution here is to use a chemical engine sludge remover because this is the easiest way to get rid of engine sludge. They are typically added to the old oil, which gives the chemical solution time to solvate the sludge and draw as much of it as possible back into the oil. The old oil is then changed and the engine sludge is removed along with it.
2. Bring it in for a thorough check up
If your tests point to the fact that you have a lot of engine sludge inside, you may not be able to clear it all by yourself. It would be worth it to take some time to bring your car in for a thorough check up and have them remove the sludge from the critical areas before it becomes a major problem.
Once you’ve gone through the whole route of clearing all your engine sludge, you’ve got a chance for a fresh start with your driving and car maintenance. However, to prevent engine sludge from building up in your engine at all, Molla recommends routine maintenance to head off any potential issues, like a misfiring spark plug or too-rich fuel mixture.
“Deposits form in all internal combustion engines during normal operation, and they are not a problem if your vehicle gets seasonal maintenance,” Molla said.
The cost of not doing anything can often mean an entirely new engine.
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