How 3D Printing Is Changing The Car Industry
Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
There's no question about it: 3D printing is changing the world we live in! From building small parts to constructing entire homes, three-dimensional printing solutions are transforming how the world sees manufacturing and construction. 3D printing technology has come so far that today in 2020, you can even buy personal 3D printers to use at home!
This kind of printing process is done by building something one layer at a time. This process allows for the use of materials with very unique properties. 3D printing follows a design created by computer-aided design (CAD) models. The final item slowly takes shape with every additional layer that is added according to those designs.
The automotive industry is a perfect example of how 3D printing can revolutionize an industry. From car manufacturers and aftermarket parts suppliers to regular car enthusiasts, 3D printers allow everyone in the industry to take things to the next level!
The big question is this: How is 3D printing changing the car industry? Here are five ways:
Optimized Design
Typically in the automotive industry, cars and their parts are built at a manufacturing plant in bulk. Usually, when a design is finalized, steel moulds have to be prepared before the part enters production. This makes it challenging for the manufacturer to update the model or make adjustments since the entire process will have to be repeated, and production will be delayed.
With 3D printing, the process is much more efficient. Firstly, the use of computer-assisted design or CAD allows for more efficient designing even before the first prototype is put together.
When it comes to prototyping, the use of 3D printing allows for the company to quickly produce as many prototypes as they need to perfect their design. When the trial-and-error part of the design phase is faster, the overall increase in efficiency also cuts down on operating costs!
Quicker Manufacturing
With the benefits that come from optimized design also comes the overall reduction in manufacturing times. From raw materials, all the way to the finished product, 3D printing itself is a quick process.
This is how it works: 3D printing machines add one layer of material at a time from the bottom up, no matter what size the item is. Since it's all automated and doesn't require direct human input, 3D printers can work non-stop, and they never get tired. Automotive parts will get built much faster, and machines can technically work all day long.
3D printing also allows manufacturers to offer many more customization options to buyers. Not only does this apply to the vehicle's drivetrain and other vital car parts, but 3D printing can also be used to customize the car's interior features!
All of this is excellent news because it usually costs manufacturers a lot of money to customize the cars they make. It isn't very easy for car manufacturers to offer multiple trim levels with different features for the models they produce. This is because they have to produce each trim level in bulk for it to make financial sense.
However, 3D printing cuts down on those costs. With 3D printing, manufacturers can afford to offer more options made with newer, more affordable materials!
Better yet, 3D printing creates an opportunity for aftermarket businesses to offer more custom upgrades for their customers. As 3D printing equipment becomes more affordable, we might even see a day when people start making custom parts right in their own homes!
Spare Parts and Tools
3D printing has also become a lifesaver for many car owners. Imagine owning a beautiful classic car, but not being able to find any spare parts for it. Or imagine that you're in a place where getting spare parts for your vehicle is difficult and expensive.
Thanks to today's technology, you wouldn't have to go searching all over the place for those parts. You could just print them!
Do a quick search on Youtube, and you'll find countless videos of people successfully restoring old cars with 3D-printed parts. Even more impressive is how those parts have been updated to include modern features, like a classic car headlight modified to fit LED systems!
More Complex Materials
3D printing also allows manufacturers to use more complex materials. These materials have innovative and useful characteristics while allowing manufacturers to control their costs better.
One material commonly used in printing car bodies is a type of plastic called Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). Polylactic acid (PLA) is another perfect example. This material can be used to print car parts using renewable and biodegradable materials. For car parts that need to be strong and able to handle high temperatures, polycarbonate materials are also available. These are useful because they resist physical deformation.
For added safety, semi-crystalline polymers like polyamides can also be used. This material offers a high level of stability, rigidity, flexibility, and it makes automotive parts highly shock-resistant as well.
The Future of the Automotive Industry
With so many technological innovations taking place in today's world, many industries are concerned about their future. The automotive industry will also be affected by these developments. However, 3D printing could possibly breathe new life into the industry and allow for much more innovation. On top of that, it democratizes parts of the car supply chain; meaning that it puts more power in the hands of aftermarket businesses and car owners as well. As long as the automotive industry continues to take advantage of these innovative technologies, there's no doubt that the car industry will live on for many decades to come.