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Dyson Is Changing Course From Vacuums To Cars!

Dyson, the brand name that is more known for its expensive range of vacuums, hand dryers and fans seems to be expanding its scope to other areas; namely cars.

Image from: Autocars

Last year, James Dyson announced that Dyson was planning to build an electric car. That was all. There were no specs, vehicle models, or costing announced after that bombshell. However, three new patent applications by Dyson offer an early look at how the company is designing its vehicles. The patent filings are the first clue to what the “radically different” car might look like, and it shows a vehicle with unusual proportions that could be used off-road.

Dyson said the patents were “deliberately light on specifics”, but revealed some of the ways in which the company was trying to improve on current electric vehicles in its £2.5bn development project.

Image from: Green Car Reports

The car’s very large and narrow wheels could allow for increased range and efficiency, according to Dyson, essential for battery-powered vehicles. The wheels would be kept as close to the front and back of the vehicle as possible to make the car “highly manoeuvrable and improving handling on rough terrain.”

Despite the high ground clearance, the vehicle’s overall height would be lower than most SUVs, and a larger, thinner battery pack than rivals would help give more space inside. The driver would sit lower in the cabin, with a shallow-angled windscreen improving aerodynamics.

Image from: Deccan Chronicles

 To achieve this goal, Dyson has built a team of more than 500 people and set up a testing complex near Bristol in the UK, with climatic chambers and a rolling road (essentially a big treadmill). It’s gearing up to build a new auto factory in Singapore, with plans to launch the car in 2021.

Dyson has said the vehicle will go on sale in a limited number of countries at first, with China at the forefront of their planned markets, and would be “entirely designed by Dyson, manufactured by Dyson and sold by Dyson”. The car would build on Dyson technology used in its other products, such as its own motor and battery types.

Image from: Car Magazine

 Dyson has sent an email out to all the staff members urging secrecy around the project, but defended the decision to file these new patents, writing that the car would “include fundamentally new technologies and make some inventive leaps,”

The patents offer an insight into how Dyson is planning to pull off its own take on the car market. Will it be a game-changer, and how will it radically change the existing automotive industry? Only time will tell.

What do you think about this news? Are you excited for a Dyson electric car? Leave a comment below!