A Car Has Been Turned Into The World’s Smallest Hotel!


For most, people want to stay in a comfortable hotel when they’re out and about for their holidays. Most people don’t think about staying in a car during this time. Well, someone came up with an idea for a hotel that is also in the running for being the world’s smallest hotel.

Image from: DestinAsian

Image from: DestinAsian

Mohammed al Malaheem, the founder of this idea, used a classic Volkswagen Beetle and outfitted it with hand-embroidered sheets and pillows to make a tiny “room”. This small hotel fits up to 2 people at one time. Al Malaheem also runs a small “lobby” area in a nearby cave, serving local beverages and snacks to his guests. He also runs a small kiosk offering antique jewelry, artifacts, and copper items travelers can buy as souvenirs.

Image from: Alex Mousan

Image from: Alex Mousan

The hotel sits in the desert village of Al Jaya in Jordan, where visitors will find a serene remote landscape and the 12th-century castle of Montreal. Below the castle you’ll spot the car, which has a sign next to it claiming it is the world’s smallest hotel.

According to him, he created the hotel as a way to show guests how stunning the area can be.

“This village is my homeland, I was born here, I grew up here, I lived here,” he said. “I wanted to start a project that improves its situation and places it on the tourism map, because it truly overlooks some of the most beautiful scenery in the region.”

While the space is tiny, al Malaheem is planning to add several other VW Beetles to the mix to allow for more guests to stay at a time.

The Eh’häusl Hotel in Amberg, Germany currently holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s smallest hotel, with a total floor space of just 173 square feet (53 square meters).

Another unique hotel has used the Volkswagen Beetle as an attraction, which allows for visitors to stay inside one of these iconic vehicles. Located just two kilometers from Valladolid, Yucatan in Mexico, there is an ecological camp called “Eco Camping Valladolid”, which targets to provide lodging services to adventurous travelers or those who are tired of conventional accommodations.

Image from: Autocosmos Venezuela

Everything in the camp is ecological, the vochos were donations, electricity is acquired through solar panels, and the building materials are biodegradable.

Each of the Volkswagen Beetles has space inside to put the suitcases of travelers and a comfortable bed  for two people inside, compartments for personal belongings of guests, a fan so that nobody gets hot at night, curtains to preserve privacy and a place ready to see the stars at night. When you wake up, you can have breakfast outside of your “room”. at a small table.

Image from: Valladolid Hotel

Image from: Valladolid Hotel

There are plenty of other things to do at the Eco Camping site, like swimming in the local pool, get a “fish pedicure”, try local food or have a BBQ on a grill also adapted inside a Volkswagen.

Besides the Volkswagen Beetles, this unique camping site also boasts of having Volkswagen mini-buses which are totally adapted with all the features necessary for a family of four to spend a quiet night in the middle of the jungle.

Image from: TripAdvisor

Image from: TripAdvisor

Would you like to try staying in one of these unique Volkswagen Beetle hotels? Leave a comment below!