TOC Alumni | Jaysubash Daranjothi

Interview by Peter Burns – Asia Motorsport Development

Interview by Peter Burns – Asia Motorsport Development


Can tell us about your background, where do you come from and why did you chose to study at TOC?

My name is Jay and I’m from Shah Alam. I choose TOC because I think that I can get a good education here. I am studying for a diploma in Automotive Technology because it can help me in the future.

Why did you volunteer for the Caterham motorsport experience?

I volunteered as I need to get more experience in the Automotive field, because in the future I can use this experience to help me work for the best automotive group.

How did you find the experience and was it what you expected?

It was very good, although a little bit tough, because Caterham is very multi-disciplined and you needed to think fast. When I started it was very hard for me, but then after two or three times working at the track things became a lot clearer and easier and I learnt a lot. 

So what important lessons have you learnt working with Caterham at the track?

I learnt the importance of discipline, especially because I had never really experienced that level of discipline before. It taught me a lot and I really liked this.

Yes, it is quite a shock to some people. You have to be on time, you have got to get everything ready and you can’t have any excuses. You’ve got to have good discipline, good communication and you have to work together as a team. Did you enjoy it and which was your favourite part?

Yes, I enjoyed it very much. I enjoyed preparing the car, talking to the drivers and getting their feedback.  Last year I worked with the driver Tan Pye Sen and then this year with Rocky Siow.

How do you think that this experience will benefit you in the future?

Probably discipline and working to deadlines.

What have you learnt from studying at TOC which was useful when you were at the track?

The lecturers taught me how to work on the car properly and they trained me very well to work on the car, plus to be clean and neat, which helped a lot.

What are your career aspirations?  If you could look into the future, where would you like to be in 10 to 20 years time?

I would like to open my own workshop, giving the customer good service and working on all types of cars. 

You are in your second year coming towards the end of your studies, what is your next step?

I want work in a good workshop, to gain more knowledge about all things automotive and also I need to get more experience in order to eventually open my own workshop.

Thank you Jay very much indeed, much appreciated and good luck in your career.