TOC Alumni | Ahmed Nabil Iqbal B.Johari

Interview by Peter Burns – Asia Motorsport Development

Interview by Peter Burns – Asia Motorsport Development

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and why did you choose TOC?

I used to study architecture but I felt that it was not for me because I love automotive more. Through one of my friends I found out about TOC and he asked me to join. I chose TOC because they have some good features and give the students a brighter future.

Which course are you on and why did you chose it?

For the first year I chose Automotive, but for the second year I will change to Motorsport, which is easy to change.

Why did you volunteer for the Caterham motorsport experience?

I love to work in the pits and experience everything. I love cars and working in the pits is one of my dreams. I didn’t have any interest in motorsport before I became involved with TOC, so it is all new?

This last race weekend was your first time at the track with Caterham, how did you find the experience?

 I found it really interesting because everything has to be on time, precise, organised and you have to really focus on what you are doing.

What important lessons did you learn?  That weekend was a real challenge because we had a lot of new guys joining for the first time.

The most important thing I learnt was timing and teamwork which were the biggest things.  I was the only one allocated to the driver Sidqi’s car and I couldn’t handle the amount of work all on my own.  But thankfully three people were drafted in to help me to finish everything in time. If I was the only one working on the car then I couldn’t finish on time so teamwork really helped.  The great thing I found about teamwork in motorsport is that if you need a hand to be helped then the team can put on extra manpower to help.

What did you enjoy most about the motorsport experience with Caterham?

When the driver noticed everything and came back and saying you did a good job, it made me feel like wow, special!  It was a great feeling to be appreciated for a job well done.

How do you think that the motorsport experience you’ve learnt whilst working with Caterham will benefit you in the future?

When I finish this course it will be good to say that I have experience working in motorsport and at Sepang, so the knowledge that I have gained will help me in the future.

To turn the question around the other way, what knowledge that you have gained from TOC has helped you at the track?

Basically everything that I have learnt here at TOC is new to me. But what I have learnt has enabled me do all the basic things on a Caterham race car.

What are your career aspirations? Where do you see yourself and where do you want to be in 10 or 20 years’ time?

I want to open workshop actually.  I am not really sure where yet.  I have experience working in Australia with my cousin.  I would like to work in racing, not as a driver, but as part of the pit crew,  as a technician or as a mechanic.

What is the next step of your career path when you finish at TOC?  What would you like to do?

The first thing is to find a job and maybe to join a race crew. My preference would be to work for a race team.

You have certainly caught the racing bug! Are you going to come back again and join the Caterham crew at the next round?

Yes, I would very much like to. It would be my pleasure.

Thank you Nabil and good luck.