The Incredible OTTO Camp


TOC’s FIRST OTTO Camp this year was held last Saturday, on the 15th of January 2011.

The day started out great with visitors coming in from all over Malaysia – Pahang, PD and more!


As with every other OTTO Camps, the visitors were brought around the campus for a tour of the cutting-edge facilities, where our highly skilled and qualified trainers would guide them through the various diagnostic tools and equipment.


Visitors were also able to experience these equipments first hand, with TOC trainers bringing them through the procedures of using these equipments. The purpose of this activity is to give these visitors a preview of these equipments so that, should they choose to be in the automotive industry, they would be well prepared to handle these tools and equipments in their everyday lives.


Overall, the event went smoothly with almost 300 visitors to our very first OTTO Camp this year. Thank you very much to all staff and students who helped out last Saturday!


If you missed the TOC OTTO Camp last week, fret not! We will be having another OTTO Camp end of this month again on the 29th of January! For more information on TOC’s OTTO Camp or if you would like to view more photos, head over to our Facebook page (here) to have a look!

We would like to thank you all once again for all your help and cooperation and for taking time to visit us last Saturday!=) Happy Monday to everyone and have a great week ahead!!

TOC Admin