Lion Dance At TOC


In conjunction with this year’s Chinese New Year, TOC organised a CNY gathering and celebration for both staff and students. The activities of the day included a CNY pop quiz (winner gets an angpao!), yee sang and even a spectacular lion dance performance by the Catholic High School Alumni Association (CHSAA) Lion Dance Troupe.

The international students, they were introduced to the tradition of CNY for the first time!


The Lion Dance Troupe also gave us a superb “Pole Performance”, entertaining all of us with their funny routine.


The belief behind the ceremony of the “lion dance” performance is to fight off evil spirits and to summon good luck and fortune. Upon completion of the pole performance, the Lion Dance Troupe later went around the college, from the front gate to all the classrooms, resource centre and office areas.


After the tour around college, the lions proceeded with the traditional ground performance, the presentation of a tray of fruits to the CEO, Ms. Adelaine Foo.


Thank you everyone for all your attendance and support!Staff and students alike. We hope you guys enjoyed your day and the performance!

Thank you once again to CHSAA for your amazing performance! You guys were great and we enjoyed every moment of it!=D

TOC Admin