TOC Automotive College

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Yes, instead of a “C”, it starts with a “K”; and that is no mistake!

There are many types of car and bike lovers out there! Vehicle categories are so wide that you can’t even keep track. Here is to focus on one of the categories; Kustom Kulture aka Hot Rod.

So, what is Kustom Kulture? It’s an expression used to describe artworks, vehicles and fashion of those who owns and drives built custom cars and bikes. Why is it so fascinating? Go over to one of the Kustom shows and you will be amazed! From creative to mind-blowing vehicles, you will be in awe. Most of these custom cars are cars from the 1950s and the owners revived it to their own liking and creativity. 

In Malaysia, we have an annual Kustom Kulture exhibition called “Art of Speed”. I attend it every year to experience what the Kustom Kulture is all about. From fashion to cars, to tattoos and bikes, they have it all covered. 

From wild pinstriped paint jobs, to custom Harley Davidson, music, cartoons, mascots, these are all the things that have influenced this subculture. Brands like “Ratfink and Mooneyes” are all very popular in this hot rod culture. In Japan, the Yokohama Hot Rod custom show is one of the best. According to the site,, the name “Mooneyes” has become so synonymous with the custom scene that it becomes the scene itself. It mashes styles and a variety of cars together to form a massive movement.

However, customizing one vehicle does not come cheap! As a matter of fact, it needs more than just money; it requires maintenance and care. There is a whole book about the Kustom Kulture called “Cool Cars, High Art: The Rise of Kustom Kulture” by author “John DeWitt”. If you are really into finding out more about this sub-culture, you can read it online here: ONLINE BOOK 

Here are some of the pictures I’ve managed to capture during the Art of Speed Event this year; ENJOY!