TOC Automotive College

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What do you do if you’re a student, in love, and stressed out?

Oh yeah. It’s a three in one. Everyone’s had their share of lovesickness and feeling stressed but nobody’s got it as bad as… A student! You’ve got assignments and lecturers and parents squeezing you tight and on top of worrying about curfew (if you’re unlucky enough to have it) and money (if you unlucky enough to not have it) – if there’s a cute boy or girl in the mix – YOU’VE. GOT. CHAOS.

It is life personified because that’s what being a student is like, it’s life only 10 times more – everything feels more real, everything hurts more and when you’re happy, there is no limit #truth #datslyfe #hashtag.

So how does one deal with all of this madness?

STEP 1: Create a relaxation space

Sit yourself down in your puffy pillow fort – Source:

A sanctuary or safe haven, if you will. Ideally, it would be great if this were your “Relaxation Room” but to quote a student friend of mine, “we broke a$$ hobos living off maggi and milo O cause we can’t afford milk”. In which case, a safe spot would work just fine. This could be a tiny area with many soft pillows, your favourite book, some nice smelling candles – anything you want that relaxes you. This is where you go to escape the world when you just don’t wanna deal with that assignment that’s due in 4 hours, your parents angry at you for wanting to go on a road trip with your friends, not having enough money to go on that road trip and the fact that your crush has blue ticked you on whatsapp. It may not solve your problems, but it will stop you from losing your mind and in the long run, that’s a win.

STEP 2: Have a hot drink

A little warmth goes a long way – Source:

What we feel is influenced by our mood and our moods are influenced by everything around us. Just having a hot cuppa in hand changes our mood for the better. Maybe it’s that when we were kids and sick, our mum would give us hot chocolate/milo/tea/horlicks etc.. Maybe it’s a womb thing. Maybe hot drinks make the world go round. Whatever the reason, the connection has been scientifically proven: – Check it out but if it’s TLDR then bro, just trust me. From the very first sip, our problems and heart aches suddenly seem more distant as the warmth spreads from our lips to our toes.

STEP 3: Turn up the music and … SCREAM!

Aaarrghhh! – Source:

If the above two have not worked, then it’s time to turn up the music. Get it up to a nice, high level, loud enough to scare the neighbors. You’re gonna need it that loud to drown out your blood curdling scream! Just let it all out! Whether you want to go all Titanic on the world with an “I’M THE KING OF THE WORLD!” or just an unintelligible “AAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!”, unleash the beast within you and howl to the moon and back. Once again, science backs this up, calling it a form of Primal Therapy. Screaming, in essence, makes us feel lighter and relived as if suddenly unburdened.

STEP 4: Just shut up and drive drive drive.

Worries, gone in the wind – Source:

Yas… Give me a car and the open road – just writing about this is relaxing the tension in my shoulder muscles. Who doesn’t love a good long ride with music and nowhere to go? Once again, my fellow readers, I bring in science (through my trusty friend, Mr. Google). And research has shown that the concentration required while driving positively directs and structures our thoughts. Wind down your window, let the winds blow away your worries.

Basically, if you’re stressed out – take a break from thinking about them, it, him, her. Breathe in and out, and do you. Just do you for a bit #yougotthis