TOC Automotive College

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10 Things To Do At Home During MCO

Things are looking tough this year; especially with the ongoing Covid-19 case and front-liners who are working hard to keep this at bay. However, some of us only need to do ONE thing which is, to simply stay at HOME. Sadly, some citizens failed to do so. If you are struggling of boredom, here are some things you can do at home! Look on the bright side, this is the time to sit back, relax and reflect.

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Watch educational and motivational videos

You can learn so much from just watching a video, be it; car video, cooking video, videos about the universe, Ted Talks, and the list goes on. This is also a good way to kill time.

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Ramp up on your cooking skills!

This is the time for you to be your own chef. With so much time on hand, you can learn a new recipe every day! If you fail, there’s always room for improvement. You can also learn to bake your favourite cakes or pastries. Treat your family or yourself to a good home-cooked meal.

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Paint, draw or read

Not an artist or someone creative? Who cares? Art is so subjective and you can draw or paint whatever you want. You can give it as a gift or perhaps, hanging a new poster in your room. However, if you hate painting or drawing, you can pick up a book or even a comic to read.  

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You do not need to be in the gym or out to workout. You can do it from your own home. With so many live videos on Instagram during the MCO, just follow and workout from home! From Zumba to Yoga, the types of online workout tutorials are endless.

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Clearing the Clutter

This is perhaps the BEST time to organize your home/room and clean it. If you are clueless on organizing, you can always watch Marie Kondo. Looking at the mess sometimes makes you feel demotivated or lazy so you just delay the process. Clear it up and it’s guaranteed to make you feel fresher! Cleaning your space is so important; you don’t want no nasty dust or bacteria inside your room. Put away clothes and items you don’t need any more and donate em! If you’re a little more ambitious, you can even do a mini-makeover to your house/room. Just need a little re-arranging, painting and re-decorating.

Catch up on your Drama Series

Always complaining that you don’t have time to catch up on your favourite TV series? Well, you got a chance now! If you don’t have one, perhaps you can watch all the award-winning movies such as Parasite, Joker, Rocketman, Slumdog Millionaire and the list goes on.

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Kill time with your favourite online, PC, PS4 or even Switch games. Have fun but remember, don’t get too addicted that you leave your stomach empty! However, Motorsports games can also benefit your learning. Click HERE to find out how!

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Relax and Unwind

Getting all worked up reading Covid-19 cases on Facebook and social media? Find something relaxing to do like; soaking in a warm tub of water, drinking a cup of hot tea or chocolate, masking (as in facial mask), grooming yourself, meditating or simply doing anything at home that you find relaxing

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Start a journal

You can start a journal about anything and everything. Be it, a personal diary, future plans, your future “Car modification” plans, study plans, future travel plans, things to achieve and more. You can even document a daily video of yourself doing things during this 2-week period.

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Social Media

We know many people have been on Facebook and Instagram these past few days. Some, are doing Tik-Tok videos, some are showing off their cooking skills, some are taking pictures of their pets and some are showing how creative they can be at home. You can do the same! You can even start a new page about something you just picked up. The sky’s the limit in the social media world.

So, what have you been doing during this period? We would love to hear it! Please stay safe and remember to wash your hands; drying your hands properly is also equally important!